Ah, that makes sense. It does seem to create potential problems, though, since it relies on the data magically appearing in the byte[] (or in the case of an unknown size, the byte[] object itself magically appearing) sometime after the initial unmarshalling. With an DataHandler you can at least control access to the attachment data with internal hooks.

Is the idea that this will always be populated by the time the unmarshalling is completed? In other words, the code unmarshals the document and then processes all attachments, caching them on the file system if necessary.

 - Dennis

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Though now that I think about it, I wonder how the getAttachmentAsByteArray() is handled, given that I'd think this would be called during unmarshalling - is there buffering of the input stream going on? Kohsuke, can you comment on this?

This method is intended to be used when the data binding layer knows that the data is eventually transformed into byte[].

Often the code that implements AttachmentUnmarshaller knows the exact size of the attachment (such is often the case with MIME attachments), and if so, byte[] can be created rather efficiently (compared to have the data binding layer try to build byte[] from DataHandler.)

If not, then most likely you'll have to read InputStream and create byte[] with reallocation of byte[] to get to the exact size, but that's no worse than what the data binding layer would have done if this method didn't exist.

So that's how it's used.

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