Hello All,


            Kindly verify whether the procedure opted is right or not. I have an urgent delivery and need to get this clarified as soon as possible. I need to send a hierarchic object to a service as a parameter and get a hierarchic object as a response. The steps taken by me is:-

1)      Define the Beans and the service interface

2)      Generate the WSDL using java2wsdl

3)      Generate the stubs and skeletons using the wsdl to java

4)      Put the business logic in the skeleton classes to perform the required business operations

5)      Deploy it in the server

6)      Get the server WSDL generated and prepare the stubs to invoke the service.


The procedure works fine as earlier the problem faced was that the hierarchic object as request/response was not able to be serialized/deserialized into SOAP stream. Could you please let me know if this is the right procedure or there are some other mechanism that we are suppose to use. Thanks a lot






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