Big +1....:)

Any suggestions from others?/

·         Write a MessageReceiver that would support delivery of
javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage objects to a service. The MessageReceiver
would convert the response javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage object to a
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPMessage object and store it in
the MessageContext, or it would just put the SOAPEnvelope in the
MessageContext and construct an Attachment object, and then set a flag in
the MessageContext indicating that the response should be serialized in the
MimeMessage format and not in the MTOM format.

I don't think a service implementer will need to deal with MIME. They
would be well off with DataHandlers. Better get rid of the
MIMEmessages at the transport level.


On 7/21/06, Ben Malek, Hamid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[Thilina]: OMElement as in  ServiceClient.sendReceive(OMElement elem)
represents the XML payload which goes inside the SOAP body. IMHO SwA
attachments belong to the SOAP message level. They do not belong to the SOAP
envelope or the XML payload, since they do not have defined relationship to
the XML payload. According to what I understand MessageContext is the Axis2
entity which contains the SOAP message level information. I believe SwA
attachments should be put in to MsgContext. I do not see any justifiable
placeholder  for SwA type attachments in XML representation of the payload.
This is just how I feel:).

[Hamid]: Thilina, you are right about this. I forgot that the method
ServiceClient.sendReceive(OMElement) puts the element inside the SOAP body.

How about the following:

·         add a method getAttachments() to the interface

·         add an instance variable of type
org.apache.axiom.attachments.Attachments to the classes
org.apache.axiom.soap.impl.llom.SOAPMessageImpl and

·         add appropriate methods to the interface
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPMessage for adding attachments
(things like addDataHandler(dh), addAttachment(File file, String contentID),

·         add some flag, as suggested by Paul, not to the OMText, but to the
SOAPMessage interface to indicate whether the SOAPMessage will be a
MimeMessage when serialized over the wire or it will be in an MTOM
serialization format. If an OMText element is added to the SOAP header or
SOAP body of the SOAPMessage and the OMText object is an MTOM thing, then
the flag of the SOAPMessage interface should automatically change to
indicate the SOAPMessage object will be serialized in MTOM format.

·         Modify the serialization method of the SOAPMessageImpl classes to
take into consideration the mime flag of the SOAPMessage interface and if
the SOAPMessage is an SwA that is non-MTOM, then the serialization should
write the MimeHeaders correctly, together with the attachments. (in
Axis-1.x, the SOAPMessage when serialized over the wire, it writes the
MimeHeaders as well as the attachments).

·         Add methods to the ServiceClient class such as: public SOAPMessage
sendReceiveNonBlocking(SOAPMessage, Callback), etc...
(unlike the sendReceive(OMElement) behavior, these new methods will not put
the argument in the SOAP body, but would serialize the object directly as it
is on the wire).

·         On the receiving side, if the input stream is a MimeMessage
stream, the axis servlet should construct a SOAPMessage object and put it as
a property in the MessageContext (instead of putting the Attachment object
in the MessageContext). Or keep the implementation as it is, but add a flag
to the MessageContext to indicate that the received message is a SwA that is
not an MTOM.

·         Modify the transport senders so that they first check the
MessageContext if it has a SOAPMessage object stored as a property. If
that's the case, then serialize the SOAPMessage object (it will be a
MimeMessage serialization). If the MessageContext does not have a
SOAPMessage object stored as a property, then do the normal serialization of
the SOAPEnvelope that is present in the MessageContext.

·         Write a MessageReceiver that would support delivery of
javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage objects to a service. The MessageReceiver
would convert the response javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage object to a
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPMessage object and store it in
the MessageContext, or it would just put the SOAPEnvelope in the
MessageContext and construct an Attachment object, and then set a flag in
the MessageContext indicating that the response should be serialized in the
MimeMessage format and not in the MTOM format.

"May the SourcE be with u"

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