Hi Tony,

The article on client api parameters is finally published here

-- Chinthaka

Eran Chinthaka wrote:
> Tony Dean wrote:
>> Does anyone have any insights on the questions listed below.
>> For instance setting some HTTP headers works while others do not.
>> These work:
>> options.setProperty(MessageContextConstants.HTTP_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
>>                     HTTPConstants.HEADER_PROTOCOL_10);
>> options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.PROXY, proxyProperties);
>> options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.BASIC_AUTHENTICATION,
>>                     basicAuthentication)
>> serviceClient.setOptions(options);
>> While setting options like the following seem to have not affect:
>> options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONNECTION,
>>                     HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE);
>> Is there an exaustive list of options that one can use to control his/her 
>> client invocation?
> Well, I can not wait till my article gets published on this. Thought of
> helping you by hosting it in my little space in apache itself.
> You might find this
> (http://people.apache.org/~chinthaka/articles/axis2-parameters.html)
> useful.
> (Note : This is a temp place)
> -- Chinthaka

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