One simple question?

Why did u forget the replication of message contexts and operation
contexts, whilst replicating ConfigurationContexts and the others. IIRC,
operation context map is maintained in the config context.

Another point. Think of IN-IN-OUT mep. You first route the first IN
message to node A of the cluster. Afterwhile, before the second IN
message, node A goes down. How can you cater for this w/o catering for
the replication of operation contexts.
Well you might argue back and say, IN-IN-OUT mep is not the 90% case. If
thats the case take an RM scenario. From my very little knowledge on RM,
what if node A goes down, having serviced createSequence operation.
Don't we need message context replication from that.

Apologies if I'm missing sth here.

-- Chinthaka

Chamikara Jayalath wrote:
> Hi All,
> As you know, sometime back that there were some discussion on clustering
> Axis2. Quite a set of ideas came up, specially from Rajith.
> Me and Chathura Ekanayake thought of bringing this discussion back to
> life by coming up with a proposal to enable context replication in
> Axis2. Upon this we could come up with mechanisms to support failure
> recovery and load balancing.
> Sorry about the long email. We thought a bit detailed description would
> give you a clear idea of our proposal.
> The main point was to come up with a interface called ClusterManager.
> This would define a set of methods that an Axis2 instance working as a
> node in a cluster could use to share its state with other nodes. An
> implementation of the ClusterManager will be in a particular clustering
> technology.
> At initiating Axis2 will check a property in the axis2.xml to find out
> weather its working as a node in a cluster. If it is, Axis2 will
> instantiate the ClusterManager object and call its methods whenever it
> needs to share information with other nodes in the cluster.
> This proposal doesn't worry about replicating OperationContexts and
> MessageContexts. The main reason for this was the cost the replication
> of them would produce (But I guess we can discuss more on that). So here
> we only worry about the replication of ConfigurationContext,
> ServiceGroupContexts and ServiceContexts.
> Here is the ClusterManager interface that we came up with. I've
> explained the usage of each method after that.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> public interface ClusterManager {
>     void init (ConfigurationContext context);
>     void addContext (String contextId,String parentContextId,
> AbstractContext context);
>     void removeContext (String contextId);
>     void addProperty (String contextId, String propertyName, Object
> propertyValue);
>     void removeProperty (String contextId, String propertyName);
>     Object touchProperty (String contextId, String propertyName);
>     void updateState ();
>     void farmDescription (AxisDescription axisDescription);
>     void removeDescriptionFromFarm (String axisDescriptionName);
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> We assume that each Node in the cluster get born with the same
> configuration. So initially they will have similar axis2.xml files and
> similar repositories.
> To make the methods simple we assumed that every context should come
> with a id which could be used to uniquely identify it within a given
> node. For a ServiceGroupContext this can be the serviceGroupContextId.
> For a service context this can be the combination of the service name
> and the id of the ServiceGroupContext which it belongs to.
> The first method 'init' does the initiation work of the current Node.
> One task of it will be to join the current node into the cluster.
> When a new context get added in a certain node, the 'addContext' method
> of it will be called. This method should inform the other Nodes about
> this newly added context and ask them to add similar contexts within them.
> Similarly 'removeContext' method will be called when a context get
> removed from a certain Node. Other Nodes should be informed about this
> and they should be asked to remove the context with the same Id.
> We belive that the state of a context is represented by its property
> bag. So replication of the state would simply mean the replication of
> the property bag of each context. The next three methods could be used
> for this.
> As their names imply 'addProperty' and 'removeProperty' methods should
> inform the other nodes to add and remove properties respectively.
> When the state of a property bag is suspected to have been changed that
> property should be touched. For this the touchProperty method have to be
> used. For example when the user ask for a certain property from the
> property bag (using the getProperty method of the abstract context)
> there is a probability of the state of that property being changed.
> Properties like that should be touched.
> When the updateState method is called the state of all touched
> properties (as defined in the previous paragraph) should be updated in
> all other nodes of the cluster.
> The last two methods are used to support the farming concept in Axis2.
> Using these method users will be able to deploy and undeploy services
> from all the Nodes in the cluster by doing that operation to a single
> node. For example when the user add a new service to the node1 it will
> be farmed in all other nodes as well. Also removing of the service can
> be done from any node which will ask all other nodes to remove that
> service from their repositories.
> Support for Load Balancing and failure detection
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> As Synapse is looking into implementing several load balancing
> algorithms we thought it will be better to use that feature than
> re-building it. So a head node in a Axis2 cluster will be a
> Axis2+Synapse combination.
> To make this more efficient we can add support for detecting node
> failures. For this a special module will be engaged in the head node.
> This will detect the heartbeats send by other nodes to detect failures.
> Failed nodes will be removed from the URL list of the Synapse load balancer.
> We believe there has to be more discussion on many of the ideas we have
> given above. As I know Rajith and some other Axis2 commitors are coming
> to Sri Lanka to participate in ApacheCon Asia. May be we can discuss
> more on the Axis2 hackathon there.
> Chamikara

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