We are not violating the spec since we are not trying to augment the
'must' case. We are working with the 'may' case in a our own way
If you don't want to look at the payload and do everything with the
headers I don't see any alternate way!


On 8/19/06, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think still everyone is trying to address the easier question,
forgetting the harder one.

Yes SOAP 1.1 can be detected from the SOAPAction. But since we must
support SOAP 1.2 specification, we can not mandate clients to have
application/soap+xml or application/xop+xml in their SOAP 1.2 requests.
So your Case2 algorithm violates the SOAP 1.2 spec.

I even check WS-I BP 1.1, but seems it only talks about SOAP 1.1.

My question is what we can do for that? Shall we mandate the users to
have one of the above content types?

-- Chinthaka

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
> Hi,
> As per [1] if I understand it right, a SOAP 1.2 HTTP implementation
> must be able to process the media type "application/soap+xml" but
> clients may send messages with other compatible media types as well
> (something like text/xml).
> This whole behavior changes with the REST flag being on and off so
> this is what I think os the best way
> Case 1: REST is off
> 1. If SOAPAction -> SOAP 1.1
> 2. Any other text compatible media type -> SOAP 1.2
> Case 2: REST is on
> 1. If SOAPAction -> SOAP 1.1
> 2. applicatin/soap+xml -> SOAP 1.2
> 3. any other text compatible media type -> REST
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part2-20030624/#httpmediatype
> Ajith
> On 8/19/06, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Glen,
>> Glen Daniels wrote:
>> > I think the algorithm is as follows:
>> >
>> > 1) check media-type.  If it's either of the well-defined ones for SOAP
>> > 1.2 (application/soap+xml, application/xop+xml), it's SOAP 1.2.
>> This is the problem. As I mentioned in my earlier mail also, content
>> type for SOAP 1.2 is optional. One can send a SOAP 1.2 message without
>> putting the content type as application/soap+xml. What can we do about
>> that?
>> We can make it a must for users to send the content type, even if it is
>> SOAP 1.2.
>> - Chinthaka

Ajith Ranabahu

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