On 10/10/06, Sanjiva Weerawarana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 20:21 +0100, David Illsley wrote:
> In terms of setting up TLS info, I'm interested by the comment that it
> would be set in the AxisEngine. When we had the conversation about the
> ThreadContextMigrator interface (which does now exist) I understood
> that there wasn't any guarantee that there is a single thread in use
> through the handler chain.

I believe it'll be set in the message receiver just before invoking the
method right guys? I can't see why it needs to be set earlier.

I agree it doesn't need to be earlier.

From Deepal earlier in this thread:

Deepal41: hi dims
   [12:06]    GlenD: [11:59] <GlenD> so we're now talking about
setting a TLS OperationContext.getCurrentContext() into the AxisEngine,
right before it calls the MessageReceiver
   [12:06]    GlenD: [11:59] <GlenD> and putting the thread
ClassLoader stuff right in the same place
   [12:06]    GlenD: [11:59] <GlenD> so it's factored out of the
individual MRs
   [12:06]    dims: +1
   [12:07]    ruchith: +1
   [12:07]    ruchith: we don't have to duplicate code this way
   [12:07]    Deepal41: in the mean time shall we move


David Illsley - IBM Web Services Development

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