Do you still have an objection to this Sanjiva?


On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 18:20 -0700, Bill Nagy wrote:
> Hi Sanjiva,
> The problem isn't that both people are modifying MessageContext.paused,
> so synchronizing that isn't going to work, the problem is that if the RM
> handler, for instance, pauses the message and returns, but the RM thread
> picks up the message and resumes it (thereby unpausing the message)
> before control returns to the logic in the Phase/AxisEngine, the
> Phase/AxisEngine are going to proceed as if the message was never
> paused.
> I was trying to avoid the overhead of synchronization when we have
> another solution that works just as well (i.e. the return value) without
> the overhead (and is more logically correct IMO.)
> Using the return code also allows us to capture whether or not a message
> was 'paused' vs 'aborted' -- this is important in the handler unwinding,
> as no unwinding needs to occur in the 'paused' case while it does in the
> 'aborted' case.
> I prefer an enumeration object because it's clear from the method
> signature what is being returned (InvocationProcessingInstruction vs.
> int in this case,) but if that's all that is holding you up, I'll switch
> it to constants.
> -Bill
> On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 18:13 +0530, Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: 
> > On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 19:51 -0700, Bill Nagy wrote:
> > > There is currently a race condition between code that pauses the message
> > > flow within a handler and resumes it on another thread (e.g. Sandesha)
> > > and the message flow processing chain (Phase.invoke(...),
> > > AxisEngine.invoke(...), etc.)
> > > (  This is caused
> > > because the control of processing is keyed off of MessageContext.paused
> > > and not through some other mechanism (return code, semaphore, etc.).  If
> > > a handler pauses a message and returns, handing the message off to
> > > another thread for execution, there is the possibility that the new
> > > execution thread will resume processing of the message, unsetting
> > > MessageContext.paused, before control returns to one of the invoke
> > > methods.  If this happens, the logic in the invoke method, which looks
> > > at the MessageContext.paused flag, will believe that it should continue
> > > execution instead of halting.
> > 
> > Can't this be solved by synchronizing access to MessageContext.paused()?
> > Sorry I looked at the sandesha issue but didn't see it.
> > 
> > Alternatively,
> > 
> > synchronized {
> >   h.invoke();
> >   h.getPaused();
> > }
> > 
> > I must be missing something obvious as to why this doesn't work.
> > 
> > > Since the problem revolves around flow control logic, I suggest that we
> > > use the return code from the method invocation to deal with it.  I would
> > > like to add a return code to the Handler.invoke(...) which would
> > > identify how processing of the message should proceed, e.g. :
> > 
> > How does this solve the problem as other thread could go get the MC and
> > do stuff while still in this method? 
> > 
> > > /**
> > > * This type encapsulates an enumeration of possible message processing
> > > * instruction values that may be returned by a handler/phase within the
> > > * runtime.
> > > */
> > > public class InvocationProcessingInstruction
> > > {
> > >   public static InvocationProcessingInstruction CONTINUE_PROCESSING =
> > > new InvocationProcessingInstruction(0);
> > >   public static InvocationProcessingInstruction SUSPEND_PROCESSING = new
> > > InvocationProcessingInstruction(1);
> > >   public static InvocationProcessingInstruction ABORT_PROCESSING = new
> > > InvocationProcessingInstruction(2);
> > >   
> > >   private int instructionID;
> > >     
> > >   private InvocationProcessingInstruction(int instructionID)
> > >   {
> > >     this.instructionID = instructionID;
> > >   }
> > >     
> > >   public boolean equals(InvocationProcessingInstruction instruction)
> > >   {
> > >     return this.instructionID == instruction.instructionID;
> > >   }
> > >     
> > >   public int hashCode()
> > >   {
> > >     return instructionID;
> > >   }
> > > }
> > > 
> > > Most handlers will return
> > > InvocationProcessingInstruction.CONTINUE_PROCESSING; the RM handler may
> > > return that, SUSPEND_PROCESSING (for a pause), or ABORT_PROCESSING (for
> > > a duplicate msg.)
> > 
> > I must be really jetlagged (traveling again): do we need all this or
> > just use an int to return the status?? (some consts basically).
> > 
> > Sanjiva.
> > 
> > 
> > 
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