Yep I know right now we simply do a 'copy-deps' :) I was wondering
whether you guys wanted to remove any jars from those standard deps -
just to clarify which jars are in and which are out.


On 10/17/06, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
> Hi
> Let me clarify things a bit
> 1. We are *not* shipping a war ? I have no objection about not having
> a downlodable, ready to use war distro but I'm not so sure how the
> user community will respond to that - specially after shipping the war
> file as an artifact in all the past releases.
> 2. I'm interested in knowing the content of the lib folder ;)

run maven cache-war-deps and maven cache-std-deps :).

In English, union of all the dependencies of standard distribution +
webapp maven module.

-- Chinthaka

Ajith Ranabahu

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