Hi Brian,

Seems to be a good observation. I agree with some of them, but not all :).

The reason behind we keeping endpoint information inside message context
has no direct connection with WS-A. All the information in message
context can be filled by anyone, starting from transport handlers,
through addressing handler till user handlers. Please do not understand
that those information are only from WS-A headers.

I agree with you about your claim on invalid messages being sent by
Axis2, if that is happening now. If that is the case, we need to fix it
in the sending logic and not in dispatchers or message context.

Brian De Pradine wrote:

> 3) if ws-addressing is engaged, and there are ws-addressing headers in
> the message, and one of them is the wsa:To header then it will be used
> to determine the service.

I don't think we can hard code a requirement like this in to Axis2.
Admin of Axis2 will decide the order of dispatchers and depending on
that one dispatcher will find the operation and the service.

For example, one will use wsa:To to reach to an endpoint but some more
information in SOAP action/request URI or QName of the first child of
the body will be used inside the engine to identify the service.

-- Chinthaka

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