Hi Developers,
I just download the latest version of axis2 1.1.1, and then tried some
examples by following the user guide.
i am stopped on the pojo example, i have compiled it and got response output.
here is the result

    [java] [JAM] Warning: You are running under a pre-1.5 JDK.  JSR175-style so
urce annotations will not be available
    [java] Temperature               : 39.3
    [java] Forecast                  : Cloudy with showers
    [java] Rain                      : true
    [java] How much rain (in inches) : 4.5

i would like to know what's the point of this example, or what's it
trying to tell us??

because after reviewed the client code, i saw that those values are
set in the client program.
w.setForecast("Cloudy with showers");

the weather service just return what the client set, and the client
just output what's those response, any "real" application can make use
this technique

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