O,  is the BBC Weakest Link television program presenter Ann Robinson making
a profession change? Since she's my favorite, she gets my undisputed vote!


On 1/19/07, R J Scheuerle Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I would like to nomimate Mike Rheinheimer and Ann Robinson as committers.

Mike Rheinheimer is an active contributor to the JAX-WS effort.
His primary responsibility is the JAX-WS application handler code, but he
also made significant contributions to the exception flow and tests.
In addition, Mike is a StAX and JAX-RPC expert.

Ann Robinson has contributed the Message Context Serialization to AXIS2.
As part of that work, Ann acquired an understanding of the AXIS2 message
flow and message object relationships. She is also contributing to the
JAX-WS effort.
Ann is an expert on SAAJ, StAX, and JAX-RPC. In addition, she has a
thorough knowledge of Axiom.

Both of these candidates have several years of Web Service development
experience. Making them committers will increase our ability to complete and
improve the JAX-WS implementation.

Rich Scheuerle
IBM Web Services
Apache Axis2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Beware of bugs in the above code;
I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
                                   -Donald Knuth

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