On 1/29/07, Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all;

I just went though the current code base and realized that
MessageContext code has been changed a lot . I found few issues with the
code base and hope we need to fix them. So I thought of sending this
mail for everyone's consideration.

Well someone please explain to me whose going to need MessageContext
serialization ,
Chamikara : Do you want that for Sandesha ?

Currently no. But Matt had mentioned that he is working on something that
uses this.
Matt ?

Ruchith : Do you want that for Security ?

If none of you want this , who else need this ?
I am asking this question b'coz introduction of MC serialization we have
the following for each req.
- When ever Axis2 received a message it calls
- And what that does is , it calls mc.activate(engineContext); method

Unfortunately that method is TOO long and was very difficult to
understand :). Ann can you simplify the method (that will be very helpful)

In the meantime code convention in MC has changed a lot and need to have
very consistent code convention, please do not differ form that.

Among the all , the most worst thing I saw in the code is following kind
of things, I strongly believe we should not have this kind of code in
the code base, If you found such kind of code please point out them then
and there.

- String tmpClassNameStr = "null";   (is this the way we initialize to
- String tmpHasList      = "no list"
- Unnecessary casting
- A number of unused variables
- Variable declarations here and there  (as an example private static
final String  - selfManagedDataDelimiter = "*";)

In addition to that someone has added code to change OutInAxisOperation
name in the client side temporally, can I know why  ?

So please comment your ideas on this.


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