
We had the titled prob for a little while during the axis2 integration work into geronimo and I'd like to get some advise from the axis2 list, as we feel it is most appropriate to fix this in axis2.

I have a HelloWorld.java that has this:

package test.mypackage;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

@WebService(name="HelloWorld", targetNamespace =
public class HelloWorld {

    public String sayHello(String me){
        return "Hello "+me;

However, when I request the wsdl...I get something like this:

<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://mypackage.test/xsd";>

Notice the targetnamespace was munged and changed from it's originally
declared namespace of "http://example.com/hello/xsd";.  I want the one
that is both declared in the included wsdl (or the one declared in the

So in the geronimo integration code, when .wsdl file isn't in the app war file, we call


By stepping through the code, the above line will call construct an SchemaGenerator object. Since schemaTargetNameSpace is null, Java2WSDLUtils.schemaNamespaceFromClassName is called and it seems to create the namespace based on the package name, insted of what 's specified in the annotation.

Can someone please confirm if that is the expected behavior of the Java2WSDLUtils? Is the tool designed not to process any of the annotation stuff?

Thanks, Lin

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