[switching over to axis-dev and adding prefix]

Hi folks!

Deepal wrote:
>Why do you want to do such a thing ? , does anyone ask for a  feature
>like this ?
>As I can see you are breaking Axis2 concepts.

Deepal, I'm not sure what you meant by "breaking Axis2 concepts" either?

Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Is this for the Stub scenario where we automatically save the oc so
that the user can get to it when the invocation is over?

Yes, but also for the DII scenario where you just use a ServiceClient or OperationClient directly. The version Deepal and I put in before was specifically for use in stubs, but I found that I needed the same functionality in a DII test, so it makes much more sense to implement it generically, where it should work for both Stubs and DII.

I actually put it in the wrong place - it shouldn't be in the constructor, it should be in execute(), so that it really is "last operation context executed" instead of "last operation context created". As such I'm making execute() a final method in the abstract OperationClient class, and renaming the abstract method executeImpl(). Just made this change, testing it now. I'll also make sure we have a test or two for this.

I didn't find any references to setLastOperationContext() anywhere in our source tree, including in the stub generation templates... Did the stub-related version of this functionality disappear at some point? (perhaps this is why that JIRA got filed)


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