Hi Sanjiva!

Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

Looks good to me, but I'm a bit skeptical about onComplete vs. onMessage. While in theory I can see the need is this practically useful? If someone wants to check whether the MEP is complete when a message has been delivered, they can go up to the operation context and check the state. So, do we really need onComplete?

I was just thinking about cases where the MEP completes as a result of something other than a message receipt. For instance - when an outgoing message send has completed, or when an error occurs. It might be nice to have a single place where cleanup, etc, can happen without needing to know exactly how the MEP was closed. It also lets the system do that work (determining the end of an MEP) for you instead of having to replicate it in your callback classes. I'm not tied to it though.

An important point to put into the javadocs is that onError is not called for fault messages- its only called when something has gone wrong. Receiving a message that contains a fault is not an error; just business as usual.

+1, although I would also support letting the system do the isFault() check for you and having separate onMessage() and onFault() APIs in the callback class if people thought that would be less prone to coder error.


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