On 6/4/07, Sanjiva Weerawarana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Glen Daniels wrote:
That was a different time- we were architecting a new Axis version and OF
COURSE we need to create stuff. We're NOT doing that now. Our users need
stability, not creativity from us, especially when no one has asked for

To be fair this comment is not just for what Glen is suggesting but rather a
general comment about our ever increasing appetite for introducing new

If we want axis2 to be production ready then we should focus more on
stability than adding more features , unless something is critically wrong.
If we can add phases by modifying the axis2.xml, then we shouldn't worry
about making things more elegant and instead focus our time and energy on
getting other nagging issues fixed.

Most people will prefer a more stable product than a product with a lot of
*cool* features.  Every product has a lifecycle and as a community we should
evaluate where we are. Are we still in the growth phase or are we trying to
stabilize things?
It's ok to be innovative and creative at the beginning but then priority
should be *shifting* to stability and reliability once we pass the growth

I am not suggesting that innovation should be stifled for the sake of
stability, but rather a more intelligent approach of striking the right
balance and managing our priorities to address the users demand. If we don't
give the users what they want in a timely manner then people will slowly but
surely move away.

If I develop on Axis2, whats the point if I need to wait for 3 months to
deploy in production bcos the current release is full of cool yet untested
features (and especially when I have no use for them) !!!



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