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Amila Suriarachchi wrote:
> I am sorry I can not understand what you are trying to explain here. Can
> you please elaborate a bit?
>> Lets take this senario of a inout message.
>> First client send the request to server. since we do not have set the
>> mustunderstand true, the addressing headers does not contain it. so if
>> we want to have it we can set it using the client options.
>> Then server gets the request and send a reply back to client. for this
>> request we can not set the
>> must understand properties true if it is not the default may. I don't
>> know whether it is possible using the axis2.xml or the services.xml.

Amila, sorry If I forgot something. Why do you wanna set mustUnderstand
true explicitly for addressing headers? With the earlier fix won't it
fix this too?
Even if you do that, then I think the problem is somewhere else.
Processing addressing headers is Addresssing module's problem. Why do
you wanna mess with it?

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