Hi, Tom,

While the tools provide source code formatting that can be configured for
standard coding conventions, the tools have differences in exactly how they
format the code.  For example, you can define the max line length, but the
will split long lines differently.

The question is whether it is possible to define "standard" code format
configuration files
for IDEA and Eclipse that would produce the same result, or at least
minimize the
differences.  This would certainly help maintain the source in a standard
format, and
reduce the effort to compare/merge changes.

- Ann

> One thing that I have noticed is that there are some differences
> IDEA and Eclipse in how they format the code, as well as what options
> the tools offer to control code formatting.  This makes it difficult
> exactly duplicate how one tool formats the code vs the other tool.

I think the point is that while there are differences in the two IDE's,
the Axis2 *standard* conventions are easy to configure in both of them.

Eclipse vs. IDEA should not be an excuse to check in poorly formatted

Tom Jordahl

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