Pleas use following wiki page


R J Scheuerle Jr wrote:
> Thanks Depal,
> Where is the wiki page for version 1.3 ? Then I can update the page
> myself.
> The new changes for JAX-WS 2.0 include:
> * Completion of major function. JAX-WS passes CTS testing with Geronimo
> * Supports JAX-WS Application Handlers.
> * Major upgrades to the MetaData layer
> * Supports SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and XML/HTTP.
> * Supports document/literal, rpc/literal, and document/literal
> "wrapped" apis
> * Some performance improvements
> Some known deficiencies include:
> * Performance. More changes are necessary.
> * Hook-Up JAX-WS application handlers with MustUnderstand processing.
> * More trace
> * Support for JAX-WS 2.1
> Rich Scheuerle
> IBM Web Services
> Apache Axis2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> 512-838-5115 (IBM TL 678-5115)

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