Hi Maciej

I am traveling this week and will not be able to reply in detail until the weekend. However I have made some enhancements to the JMS code - esp to re-use sessions when sending out. Currently the code is under a module called Synapse-transports for you to take a peek <http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/webservices/synapse/trunk/java/modules/transports/src/main/java/org/apache/axis2/transport/jms/> - once I finish testing etc. I will commit that code into Axis2 and take it out from Synapse. I will also do my best to review your email again and Rajith's email and reply.


Maciej Szefler wrote:

I've been unable to find anything on the topic in Nabble, so I thought I'd ping you all, and Asankha in particular regarding transactions in the JMS transport implementation. In ODE we'd like to be able to consume/send messages through AXIS' JMS transport. That in itself is not a problem. However, we'd like the send/receive to be in enrolled in a JTA transaction. Any pointers on how this can be done?


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