So I think we have swung around to the topic: "Reduce the number of
axis2 jars to 2".

I am firmly in favor of that.  The HTTP transport should be in core, all
the others should be in optional.  

I would be even happier if we had the axis2-client.jar and
axis2-server.jar setup.  This would make it crystal clear to users what
is what.  Perhaps axis2-client-full.jar and axis2-client-slim.jar.

But in any case, 19 jars is way too many so moving the transports out to
create another one seems out of the question given the direction this
discussion is moving.

Tom Jordahl

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Mandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: Getting axis2 transport out from the kernel


I actually posted a question about all of the jars included in the Axis2

distribution on the users list today. (See I counted 19 Axis2 
jars and 39 third party jars included in the 1.3 distribution. This
like an incredible number of jars for users (like me) to make sense of.


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