As for the DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(Class), you are right 
that it assumes you are supplying the implementation class, but it will also 
take into account an SEI class if the implementation class specifies one via 
annotations. The resulting description hierarchy should have information that 
reflects metadata from the SEI. If you find different please post your findings.

Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,

I'm looking for some capabilities in Axis2 to support JSR181/JAXWS as 

1) Introspect a service implementation class and/or service endpoint 
interface (SEI) to handle JSR181/JAXWS annotations. Provide the default 
values if customization is not present.

2) A utility method to generate a WSDL4J Defintion following the rules 
defined by JAX-WS 2.0 Chapter 3 Java to WSDL 1.1 mapping rules.

I had a brief look of the axis2-metadata module. The closest method I can 
find is:

But it only accepts service implementation class and is not happy with SEI. 
I cannot construct the EndpointInterfaceDescription directly as all the 
XXXDescriptionImpl classes are not public.

Would it be possible to have some methods on 

    // Create the endpoint interface description from the SEI
    public static EndpointInterfaceDescription 
createEndpointInterfaceDescription(Class sei);

    // Generate WSDL defintion from the endpoint interface description
    public static Defintion 
createWSDLDefinition(EndpointInterfaceDescription description);

    // Generate WSDL defintion from the service description
    public static Defintion createWSDLDefinition(ServiceDescription 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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