Where is this exception generated? Server side generates and you sees this in client side or is this only in client side?

If server generates this exception, then server is trying to connect to the client, which it shouldn't, and having this trouble. Please check the WSDL of the web service and make sure it is one way. You may also check the message receiver associated with it by checking
1. the service xml and/or
2. the message receiver class itself.

If the client is generating this error, then I think it is fine as you are invoking sendRobust and client should ready to accept a fault, if any. But need more information on what is happening to provide more info in to this.


peterindia wrote:
I am using AXIS2 webservice engine for our web services. We are having a
strange problem with AXISFault. Ours is a one way webservice. We send a
message to the web service and we dont expect any response from the WS. We
are using the sendRobust method of the serviceclient in AXIS2 for sending
the messages to webserice. After we send the message, though the message is
received at the web service and is successfully processed, we get a default
axisfault. The exception message is Connection reset; nested exception is:
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset; nested exception is:
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Connection reset; nested exception is:
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset. CAn you please throw some light
on this. Thanks in advance.

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