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Great!!! now we are officially cooking :)

- -- dims

Roy Wood wrote:
| Lahiru, Dims,
|   Just to follow-up with some more info on this (I'll add this to the JIRA
| as well). I've been able to successfully test some of the already existing
| tests in jaxws (i.e. AddNumbersService, AddNumbersHandlerService, etc) using
| our custom deployer.
| - Fixed a problem with  EndpointDescription.createAxisServiceName where the
| AxisService name was being generated incorrectly
| - Add a 'serviceName' attribute to each WebService annotation in the test
| samples so that the invocation will find the service that is specified by
| service name in the wsdl
| - New class in jaxws/framework called JAXWSDeployer
|       - This is similar to the POJODeployer but I'm phasing out use of
| annogen and all functionality that fills
|          in the AxisService (i.e. Utils.fillAxisService)
| - Modified jaxws/test-resources axis2.xml to use our own deployer
| 'JAXWSDeployer'
| - Change jaxws/server/EndpointController.getEndpointDescription to throw
| exception if it can't find the     Endpoint
| - Change jaxws/pom.xml to copy files to 'wars' directory instead of
| 'services'.
| - TODO: Change JAXWSDeployer to not call 'createServiceDescription' if its
| not the impl. class
|       This would be caught anyway, but no reason to try processing something 
| we know will fail...ALSO, make sure that we don't add it to the
| AxisServiceList
| - TODO: Process expanded .wars
| - TODO: Enhance JAXWSDeployer to handle .wars, expanded .wars,
| - TODO: Update pom.xml to place files as .wars/.jars so that we don't have
| to use 'buildWars'
| Roy Wood wrote:
|> Hi Lahiru,
|> Yes, we are considering doing this as well. The POJODeployer is a simple
|> somewhat "clean" way of deploying simple web services as .classes or
|> .jars. Trying to add functionality for deploying .wars (or expanded .wars)
|> would convolute its initial intent. So, our first thoughts are to build a
|> new deployer (JAXWSDeployer or WebAppDeployer) that deploys .wars (or
|> possible expanded .wars). It would be similar to POJODeployer but would
|> also address the following problems:
|>      - Ability to process @WebServiceProvider annotations
|>      - Utilize the new 'wsgen' capabilities that Dims just added
|>      - Ability to possibly handle a custom deployment descriptor..still
|> under discussion as this may
|>         not be necessary
|>      - Other problems with annotation processing/validation that we
|> haven't discovered yet
|> Lahiru Sandakith Gallege wrote:
|>> Hi Dims,
|>> I am thinking of not extending the pojo deployer on this regard. Since
|>> the
|>> forward set of deployable service artifact of the sun TCK are in the form
|>> of
|>> war files and seems we are not allowed it to change them as we want. We
|>> have
|>> to get our deployment mechanism to get them sorted out. How about using
|>> our
|>> axis2 webapp and then have an extension to the deployment from plugable
|>> component as TCK suit and made the sun specific wars deployable and we
|>> can
|>> have the services up on Axis2. Actually we can make this deployment
|>> extension as JAXWS Deployer in JAXWS module. This was my idea rather than
|>> going for the POJO Deployer on this. Thoughts ?
|>> Thanks
|>> Lahiru Sandakith
|>> On Feb 5, 2008 4:16 AM, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Deepal, Sandakith,
| Right now we pick up just a few of the annotations from a java class.
| Namely the ones in
| org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdlAnnotationConstants. I believe we
| need to take into account *all* possible
| annotations in the spec to pass the TCK.
| ~    String WEB_SERVICE = "javax.jws.WebService";
| ~    String WEB_METHOD = "javax.jws.WebMethod";
| ~    String WEB_PARAM = "javax.jws.WebParam";
| ~    String WEB_RESULT = "javax.jws.WebResult";
| ~    String TARGETNAMESPACE = "targetNamespace";
| ~    String NAME = "name";
| ~    String SERVICE_NAME = "serviceName";
| ~    String EXCLUDE = "exclude";
| ~    String ACTION = "action";
| ~    String WSDL_LOCATION = "wsdlLocation";
| ~    String OPERATION_NAME ="operationName";
| One option that was taken by the Geronimo team was to use the JAXWS RI's
| wsgen tool programatically. We should probably
| start looking at the same as well.
| We need to figure out how to support user specified WSDL's as well in
| the
| PojoDeployer..Thoughts?
| thanks,
| dims
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|>> --
|>> Thanks
|>> Lahiru Sandakith
|>> http://sandakith.wordpress.com/
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