Thanks for the clarification. I am +1 to go ahead


On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 12:29 AM, Chuck Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi Ajith,
>  Our person working on Axis2 now, An Hong, has discovered the right fix.
> amilas already did all the plumbing for this in r585400, so the code
> generator already adds a defaultValue attribute for the property to the xml
> bean description that is transformed by ADBBeanTemplate.xsl.  The property
> is initialized to the correct default in the generated java bean now!
>  The problem is that one piece was missed.  The parse() method overwrites
> with MIN_VALUE (or NaN) the correct default value already in place from
> constructing the bean.  All that is required is to omit this arbitrary value
> defaulting in parse() whenever the @defaultValue attribute exists on the
> property.
>  This is a simple change.  An is testing it now and will open a jira with
> the patch.
>  Hope all is well with you!
>  Chuck
>  Ajith Ranabahu wrote on 03/06/2008 05:06 PM:
>  Hi Chuck,
> Does it mean that ADB does not populate the correct default value
> (supplied in the schema) ? Or is it just that it defaults to a random
> (unpredictable) value ?
> if its the latter I think we can easily provide a fix for that. The
> former (which I think may even be treated as a bug) however would
> require some effort
> Ajith
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:06 PM, Chuck Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi All,
>  It's been a long time. We are trying to upgrade to the latest Axis2 and
>  have run into a serious issue. Axis2 now uses various MIN_VALUE's and
>  NaN's as the marker for unset values in ADB binding code, rather than
>  the previous behavior of using 0.
>  Our server needs to either have wsdl-declared defaults used, which axis2
>  adb message parsing code does not do, or to implement its own
>  defaulting, which is what it has been doing. However, testing for the
>  specific axis2 implementation market for unset values, e.g.
>  Integer.MIN_VALUE, to discover a parameter has not been set seems too
>  hackish.
>  A simple solution would be to add a new method to the automatically
>  generated ADB binding class. There are already protected localTracker
>  boolean variables that are true iff the value has been set. Adding an
>  is accessor for the property, e.g. is<Property>Set(), would resolve the
>  issue simply and fully.
>  Does this seem a reasonable thing to do or am I missing something?
>  If it is reasonable, even though I'm now out of date on the code base,
>  the ADBBindingTemplate.xsl is familiar ground from before. I could make
>  this extension if no one objects, else we'll probably patch this locally.
>  Please advise.
>  Thanks,
>  Chuck
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Ajith Ranabahu

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its
creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain
too little falls into lazy habits of thinking - Albert Einstein

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