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+1 go for it!

- -- dims

Glen Daniels wrote:
| What about http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_4/contents.html?  Tossing a
| pointer in there might be handy....
| --Glen
| Davanum Srinivas wrote:
| Next time? :) we typically don't touch releases that we already made.
| -- dims
| Martin wrote:
| | great...can we get this into the release Notes???
| |
| | Thanks Dims!
| | Martin
| | ----- Original Message ----- From: "Davanum Srinivas"
| | To: <axis-dev@ws.apache.org>
| | Cc: "Tony Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 3:50 PM
| | Subject: [Axis2] Documenting Axis2 1.4 dependencies (Re: [axis2-1.4]
| woden)
| |
| |
| | Hope this helps -
| | http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AXIS2/Axis2+1.4+Dependencies
| |
| | thanks,
| | dims
| |
| | Martin wrote:
| | | not much documentation on the dependencies listed
| | | http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_4/userguide.html#underhood
| | | except for..
| | | lib
| | |      activation-1.1.jar
| | |      XmlSchema.jar
| | |
| | | but in $AXIS2_HOME/lib folder I see 60 jar files!
| | | contents of $AXIS2_HOME/lib
| | |
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM            63,018 activation-1.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:24 PM           248,639 annogen-0.1.0.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:50 AM           198,321 axiom-api-1.2.7.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:50 AM           152,197 axiom-dom-1.2.7.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:50 AM           126,546 axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:24 AM           773,761 axis2-adb-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:28 AM           168,742 axis2-adb-codegen-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  07:04 AM            16,737 axis2-ant-plugin-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:31 AM            66,591 axis2-clustering-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:24 AM           241,693 axis2-codegen-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  07:09 AM           137,060 axis2-corba-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:30 AM            72,486 axis2-fastinfoset-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:29 AM            26,305 axis2-java2wsdl-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:34 AM            24,670 axis2-jaxbri-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:41 AM           607,783 axis2-jaxws-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:34 AM            47,457 axis2-jaxws-api-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:49 AM            35,639 axis2-jibx-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:50 AM            16,863 axis2-json-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:35 AM            14,745 axis2-jws-api-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:23 AM         1,286,691 axis2-kernel-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:37 AM           755,128 axis2-metadata-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:50 AM            10,427 axis2-mtompolicy-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:35 AM            86,043 axis2-saaj-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:34 AM            31,136 axis2-saaj-api-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:51 AM            11,489 axis2-spring-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  06:52 AM            26,868 axis2-xmlbeans-1.4.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:23 PM           331,716
| backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:11 PM            46,725 commons-codec-1.3.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:24 PM            53,082 commons-fileupload-1.2.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:11 PM           305,001 commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM           109,043 commons-io-1.4.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM            60,686 commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:35 PM            12,232
| | geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM            28,804
| | geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar
| | | 03/16/2008  01:56 PM           168,160 httpcore-4.0-beta1.jar
| | | 03/16/2008  01:56 PM           152,058 httpcore-nio-4.0-beta1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  04:36 PM         1,335,669 jalopy-1.5rc3.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:33 PM            89,967 jaxb-api-2.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:34 PM           849,481 jaxb-impl-2.1.6.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:34 PM         3,126,060 jaxb-xjc-2.1.6.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM           226,915 jaxen-1.1.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:37 PM            54,187 jettison-1.0-RC2.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:32 PM           331,438 jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:32 PM           105,231 jibx-run-1.1.5.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:33 PM           391,834 log4j-1.2.15.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM           388,826 mail-1.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  07:03 AM            34,560 mex-1.4.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:52 AM            32,900 neethi-2.0.4.jar
| | | 04/26/2008  07:04 AM            32,031 soapmonitor-1.4.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:52 AM           149,442 woden-api-1.0M8.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:52 AM           225,594 woden-impl-dom-1.0M8.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:23 PM           148,429 wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM           520,092 wstx-asl-3.2.4.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM         2,730,442 xalan-2.7.0.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM         1,212,965 xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:09 PM           194,354 xml-apis-1.3.04.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:34 PM            84,091 xml-resolver-1.2.jar
| | | 03/14/2008  02:37 PM         2,666,695 xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
| | | 04/24/2008  09:52 AM           139,721 XmlSchema-1.4.2.jar
| | |              59 File(s)     21,585,466 bytes
| | |
| | | $AXIS2_HOME/samples/version/target
| | |
| | | 04/26/2008  07:04 AM             2,152 version-1.4-sources.jar
| | |               1 File(s)          2,152 bytes
| | |
| | |     Total Files Listed:
| | |              60 File(s)     21,587,618 bytes
| | |
| | | this advice from dims
| | | XmlSchema is always needed
| | | woden is completely optional
| | | neethi is always needed
| | | jettison is needed only if you do json
| | | axis2-json is needed only if you do json
| | | axis2-metadata is needed if for jaxws
| | | axis2-fastinfoset is needed only if you try binary xml on the wire
| | | (fastinfoset)
| | | axis2-spring is needed for spring only
| | | jaxen is needed if you want to run xpath on axiom
| | | annogen is needed when we generate wsdl from java dynamically (?wsdl)
| | |
| | | most who have servers dont care about carrying around 60 jars..
| | | but I can definitely see the need to trim down to run on a laptop or
| | | mobile device
| | | and yes dims comments on what is necessary and now should be in the
| | | readme.txt or RLNotes!
| | |
| | |
| |

| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | | Thanks Tony
| | | Martin
| | |
| | | ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | | To: <axis-dev@ws.apache.org>; "Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | | Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 2:30 PM
| | | Subject: RE: [axis2-1.4] woden
| | |
| | |
| | | Martin,
| | |
| | | The dependency comes into to play when deploying modules.  Here is
| the
| | | dependency chain that I tracked down in the source.
| | |
| | | org.apache.axis2.deployment.ModuleDeployer (line 60)
| | |        org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.ArchiveReader
| | |
| org.apache.axis2.deployment.resolver.WarBasedWSDLLocator
| | |                        org.apache.woden.resolver.URIResolver
| | |
| | | There are many more instances of woden dependency.  I just listed the
| | | one that fails first for me.
| | |
| | | Are there any other dependencies on Axis2 1.4 that are required that
| | | were not required for Axis2 1.3?
| | |
| | | Also, if I want to upgrade to Axis2 1.4, what jars are mandatory to
| | | upgrade along with the Axis2 kernel.  That is, I need to axis2
| kernel,
| | | axiom, stax, woden... anything else?
| | |
| | | Thanks.
| | |
| | |
| | |> -----Original Message-----
| | |> From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | |> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:55 AM
| | |> To: axis-dev@ws.apache.org
| | |> Subject: Re: [axis2-1.4] woden
| | |>
| | |> Tony
| | |>
| | |> I just downloaded and deployed AXIS2-1.4 and have it running under
| | |> %AXIS2_HOME%/bin/axis2server.bat (without woden*.jar)
| | |> Can you display the specific error you are seeing?
| | |> Also please display the wsdl as I would be interested in seeing the
| | |> implemented wsdl2 declaration
| | |> http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/
| | |>
| | |> Thanks
| | |> Martin
| | |> ----- Original Message -----
| | |> From: "Tony Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | |> To: <axis-dev@ws.apache.org>
| | |> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:53 AM
| | |> Subject: [axis2-1.4] woden
| | |>
| | |>
| | |> Hi,
| | |>
| | |> It appears that the woden distribution is required for axis2 1.4 to
| | |> work
| | |> properly.  In Axis2 1.3 woden was not required to work properly
| unless
| | |> of
| | |> course you were using wsdl 2.0.
| | |>
| | |> Without woden in Axis2 1.4 you can't even bring up the index.jsp
| page.
| | |> You
| | |> get a class not found exception.
| | |>
| | |> Can you comment, please?
| | |>
| | |> Thanks.
| | |>
| | |> Tony Dean
| | |> SAS Institute Inc.
| | |> 919.531.6704
| | |>
| | |> SAS... The Power to Know
| | |> http://www.sas.com
| | |>
| | |>
| | |>
| | |>
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