Hi all

I will be moving the Mail, JMS and the Base Transport abstraction into the WS Commons project now.

Then on WS-Commons dev list (CC:ing axis2-dev), I will be calling for a vote for commit rights to Andreas, so that he can help maintain the codebase

We will consider moving other transports on a case-by-case basis, if there will be an advantage for them for plain Axis2 as well.


Andreas Veithen wrote:

Please don't move anything for the moment. We need to make sure that this is well coordinated before doing anything. I will come back on this later.


Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Andreas Veithen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    Before we can move anything from Synapse to the new commons
    module, we need to decide which transports we move (all or only a
    subset) and based on that, we need to make sure that all the
    people involved in the maintenance of these transports have commit
    access to the new module.

As a starting point I'll put the synapse SMTP transport to commons transport and try to test with Axis2.


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