
What do people think about gearing up for a 1.5 release in the not-too-distant future? I figure the earlier we start talking about this the better chance we have of actually getting something out before too long. :)

We've had some great fixes on the trunk, the new transport stuff, etc., and I'd like to see 1.5 go out soon in order to get our first Java 1.5 release out there, and start getting into a habit of releasing a bit more early and often. This would also let dependent projects like Synapse have a solid release which works with the new trunk.

As a strawman, here's a schedule:

* Now - cruise through JIRA and pick the serious blockers.
* Now -> 11/7 - fix critical issues, review code, docs, etc
* 11/7 - cut branch, relase 1.5beta
* Handle beta issues
* 11/14 - release 1.5RC
* Handle RC issues
* 11/21 - release 1.5

What do you think, folks?


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