Hi all, I am getting problems in generating calls to a third part Web Service which I have only the WSDL and no access to the server side implementation (I neither know what they are using to implement that). The fact is that I am getting the following exception:
"org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement obterChamadoPC" For some reason I didn´t get permission from the project manager to post the WSDL file. The only thing I realized is that I didn´t find any reference to "obterChamadoPC" in the WSDL. Is this the cause? I am in doubt because the staff on the server side is telling everything is fine, but I am telling that the WSDL in not compatible with the service so I can´t generate the right clients. My suspect is that I am sending the right data, they are producing the right response but the interface to receive the answer is not compatible with the WSDL that I have.. I am using Axis2-1.3 and Eclipse Ganymede WTP to generate the stubs code. I really appreciate any opinions. Thanks in advance. -- Wesley Mesquita Computer Engineering Student Institute of Computing University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Mobile: +55 19 93455420