Hi all!

Two things.  First off, it's of course that time again.  Kurt (thanks Kurt)
has been kind enough to set up the template report at


Some content has already been added, but please feel encouraged to add your
project's status/highlights, or anything you feel needs to be communicated up
to the board level.

In particular, I was hoping to have more conversation and consensus around
the "splitting the project" idea, but that has been slow to get going.  As a
reminder, please visit the wiki page for this discussion at:


There are proposals and comments there - please feel free to add more, or to
add yourself as a supporter to any of the proposals there currently.

Unfortunately there was a bit of a date snafu with the automated reminder
system this time around, and so I thought we had another week and a half
before the report was due... but actually it's due by the 15th, which is
Monday.  Since I do not think we're going to have enough time for an adequate
discussion before then, I am planning to ask the board to allow us to report
at next month's meeting instead (we'll stay on our regular Mar/Jun/Sept/Dec
schedule, just move this one report).

  Your Friendly Neighborhood PMC Chair

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