
The following is a list of issues we ran into. Some of the issues might have been resolved by Axis2 1.5. I have tried to bring some of them to the attentions of Axis2 community but it doesn't seem to be very responsive in the OSGi area :-(.

With Axis2 1.4.1, we have experienced quite a few issues related to OSGi, especially in the following areas:

1) Some of the axis2 jars (such as axis2-kernel) are OSGi bundles while others (such as axis2-mtompolicy) are not.

Axis2 1.5 now has a bundle org.apache.axis2.osgi. I posted a question to the Axis2 dev ML to understand if we should use that one instead of individual jars but no responses. See: http://www.mail-archive.com/axis-dev@ws.apache.org/msg46269.html.

2) Axis2 jars have split packages, for example, axis2-kernel and axis2-adb both have the org.apache.axis2.util package.

3) Some of the Axis2/AXIOM code uses the JAR service provider pattern to instantiate factories such as XMLInputFactory.newInstance(), DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(). These methods depends on the TCCL which is not OSGi friendly at all.

4) Some of the Axis2 bundles imports "private" packages from xercesImpl, xalan or woden (Seems to be cleaner in 1.5)
woden-impl-dom still has the issues.

5) We plugin message receivers in axis2.xml. But Axis2 doesn't have a good way to load the classes outside of Axis2 bundles.

6) Axiom bundle is missing Import-Package to soap11 and soap12 factories. (Fixed in 1.2.8)

7) Axiom-api 1.2.8 is missing OSGi Import-Package to javax.xml.stream.util under JDK 1.5:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WSCOMMONS-462 (fixed)

Unresolved issues:

From: "Davanum Srinivas" <dava...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 3:32 AM
To: <d...@tuscany.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Treat axis2 bundles as plain jars

+1 :)

-- dims

On 06/19/2009 04:48 AM, ant elder wrote:
How about giving axis2/axiom/woden patches to fix the manifests for
what we need?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Raymond Feng<enjoyj...@gmail.com> wrote:

The axis2/axiom/woden OSGi bundles are half-baked. We have run into many
issues for the OSGi dependencies. Since then some workarounds are introduced to make them working with Tuscany in the OSGi environment, such as declaring
some of the Tuscany bundles are fragments to axis2/axiom bundles to fix
import/export packages. That causes new problems such as PDE fragment
package visibility and circular dependencies.

I'm really tired of the bogus MFs. Then it came into my mind that we can
just treat them as plain jars and generate the MF for them. I got the whole thing working on this path with the following changes. Both maven, Eclipse
PDE and Tuscany runtime are happy now.

* The support for our maven-bundle-plugin to override the 3rd party bundles:
* Customize the MF for axiom-api:
* Fix the MFs to bring up axis2 binding.ws:

OSGi is fun :-(


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