Andreas Veithen wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 17:23, Deepal jayasinghe<> wrote:
>> Afkham Azeez wrote:
>>> Andreas, you are right. It is not only about the version number. The
>>> hierarchy may semantically reflect the version number. It could be
>>> used for many things. e.g. in a multi-user/multi-tenant deployment,
>>> all services of a particular user/tenant can be stored under a certain
>>> directory.
>> Do you really need that? I mean just think how many people uses Apache
>> Tomcat, and does that have a such a feature ?
> Yes, this is called "context path" and every container has it...
What I meant was directory structure not the URL. In fact root of the
context path build from the version number of the war file. For example
if we deploy foo.war and foo2.war then we will have two context path like


If we want to have different structure inside the war it is fine,
something like following would work fine

But that is internal to foo, it is like different operations in a given
service (not exactly, but sub-domain).

>> Simply because it complicates the logic, slow down the system and all
>> sort of performance related issues.
>> Deepal

Thank you!

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