On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Dennis Sosnoski <dm...@sosnoski.com> wrote:
It's definitely best to use minOccurs=1 for primitives. nillable=true is *not* a good choice in general, and I'd recommend you instead go with minOccurs=0 for object types.

Why is nillable=true bad? 1. It requires the element to still be present in the message, adding unnecessary bloat (including the xsi namespace definition and usage) and confusion for human viewers of the message. 2. If required attributes are defined for the element (not an issue for POJO deployment, since it doesn't use attributes, but applicable in terms of the general use of nillable=true) those attributes need to be present even with xsi:nil=true in the document. minOccurs=0 is a cleaner representation of optional values.

I know minOccurs="0" is a cleaner representation of optional values, but I think that if Axis2 would like to be compatible with .NET clients it should try to use the solution more compatible, rather than that more "elegant". Or, at least, it should be configurable (and documented) for that, especially because the .NET world is very important out there...

Even if minOccurs=0 might be a better solution from an XML Schema/instance point of view, if you have a WSDL that defines a service input parameter (called "myParam") with minOccurs=0, under certain cicrumstances (bound to the type of myParam) .NET clients generated by .NET tools from that WSDL have an awful layout like the following

public string myMethod(int myParam, bool myParamSpecified)

That is: myParam is "doubled", a second boolean parameter is added to the method signature to specify if the myParam parameter has actually been specified (i.e.: its value is significant and it's not null) or not (i.e.: its value has to be ignored, myParam is to be considered "not specified"/"null").

Even worse, if minOccurs=0 is specified on a service output parameter, there must be a bug in the .NET generation tools that causes a method to be generated like:

public void myMethod(...)

that is, with "void" return type!! This is the main reason for which the issue has been opened.

However, even if the issue regarding minOccurs=0 vs nillable=true for optional input parameters seems just to be an aesthetic issue (related to .NET clients generation), from my daily work experience I had to listen to a lot of complaints from .NET developers when they have to interface with our services and they go to generate their client code from our WSDLs. We use a contract-first approach (as of now, Axis2 code-first is not quite usable for serious production-quality web service development IMHO) so we can choose every time where to use minOccurs=0 or nillable=true and, because we need to keep .NET 1.1 compatibility, sometimes we are forced to use minOccurs=0 even if we know about the "double-parameter" generation issue, so we have to explain to the .NET client developers *why* we chose that strategy. But because the user of a code-first approach usually does not have such control (and knowledge...) over the WSDL, I think that Axis2 should try to do its best to be as smart as possible when taking care of such interoperability issues.

Also, the aesthetic issue could become an actual issue when you have services with a lot of input parameters (try to think about an operation with a request message with 5 optional parameters, you end up with a client method with at least 10 (!!!) input parameters... And so on.

Because of this, using nillable=true seems to be the safest way to go here. Actually, if you think of a scenario in which a Java developer is writing services using code-first approach and a .NET developer is generating its client code with automatic tools, do they really care if, for an optional parameter which has not been specified, an XML element with an xsi:nil=true attribute is passed on the wire rather than no XML element at all?

You may argue that .NET is just one option among many others in the web services world, but I think it's a really important one, so I would appreciate if Axis2 could be at least configurable to behave in a .NET-friendly way.

Please note that all my trials and researches were carried out on .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 interoperability. I don't have details on the behaviours of 3.x .NET client generation tools. Maybe in the later versions all the issues have been solved (so that minOccurs=0 could actually be used with no harm), but there are many .NET 1.1/2.0 users still out there.

Mauro Molinari
Software Designer & Developer
E-mail: mauro.molin...@cardinis.com

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