On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:23 PM, Mauro Molinari

> Michail Prusakov ha scritto:
>  I am sorry I've missed the discussion, but why have you made minOccurs=1
>> for null non-primitives? As far as I see it, if a value is null the wsdl
>> should allow passing it as nill or not passing it at all because:
>> 1) two ways of saying something is null means better interoperability as
>> if a client does not support one way, it can use the other. I believe .NET
>> 1.x clients are good example of this.
>> 2) by omitting a value we can make the soap message smaller and thus
>> increase performance.
> Hi Mike,
> if you read the whole discussion and especially the related issue(*),
> you'll see that by specifying minOccurs=0 for null non-primitives will cause
> Axis2 to generate a WSDL from which .NET tools will have problems to
> generate clients. These are .NET bugs, but if they can be avoided it's
> better, otherwise .NET interoperability is severely affected.

There is a different between interoperability and the signature of the
generated method. Here the problem is having an inconvenient method

> IMHO the preferred way to solve this would have been to have a flag (false
> by default) to use a ".NET friendly" generation algorithm, but Amila
> preferred not to go this way.

I didn't agree on the parameter name. But we can add a parameter like
"setMinOccursZero" to make this compatible with clients which does not
support nillable true.


> (*) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-3300
> --
> Mauro Molinari
> Software Designer & Developer
> E-mail: mauro.molin...@cardinis.com

Amila Suriarachchi
WSO2 Inc.
blog: http://amilachinthaka.blogspot.com/

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