
we're working on a project where we're using JAXB generated classes as
'business objects'. These objects are then (also) used for serialization
into XML. We have a few services that use these JAXB classes, "jaxb
services". Now for every JAXB generated object we have a mapping to an
schema file, for instance the JAXB classes "Address" and "AddressType" map
to "Address.xsd". This is usefull later on.

We have the (de)serialization working. It is not perfect as of now, but it
The (de)serialization part was rather easy to accomplish, though we couldnt
get the WSDL generation working, so we hacked around it. Reusing part of the
BeanSerialization plus some manual labour. (Fear not, its just a few lines

The following is a (short) cookbook for exposing a "jaxb services" as web
We have to do a few steps, namely:
1) Generate a "SOAP service", this is actually the implementing class. This
is optional, one could of course later on generate a soap stub and go from
2) Invoke Java2WSDL for this "SOAP service", generating a wsdl file;
3) Edit the wsdl file, insert a <wdsl:types>, a <xsd:schema> and for each
JAXB type, insert an <xsd:include schemaLocation=".." /> into the document. 
4) Invoke WSDL2Java for this wsdl file,. Set the implementation class to the
"SOAP service" from step 1 and generate seperate helper classes by setting
the -H flag. This will generate axis beans for our JAXB classes as well.
5) Delete those beans, keeping  the _Helper files.
6) Search the files for org.axis.encoding.ser.Bean and replace that into the
JAXB (de)serializers.

Now it's time to deploy (followed by prayer / crossing of  fingers ;-) and
run a test client.

For steps 4,5,6 we've written an ant task, that takes a few parameters and
automates this for multiple SOAP services.

We've got a more elaborate cookbook, including the (de)serializers source
code and the ant task(s). Would the axis community be interrested in this
contribution? If so, we could provide someone with the code, who could run a
few tests and perhaps check it in into CVS. Please ask for this code, and
documentation if this seems useful.


Rutger Lubbers

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