
For the document style web services the WSDL that Axis produces is
correct.  An array is represented as a sequence of 0 or more elements.

See the WS-I Basic profile for why this is so.

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jayachandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:28 AM
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org; axis-dev@ws.apache.org
> Subject: WSDL generation
> Trying to analyse some problem, I had to refer to wsdl 1.1 spec. There
> under the 'Types' section [http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_types , 3rd
> bullet point], there is this mention.
> ** Begin of Excerpt **
> Array types should extend the Array type defined in the SOAP v1.1
> encoding schema (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/)
> (regardless of whether the resulting form actually uses the encoding
> specified in Section 5 of the SOAP v1.1 document). Use the name
> ArrayOfXXX for array types (where XXX is the type of the items in the
> array).  The type of the items in the array and the array dimensions
> are specified by using a default value for the soapenc:arrayType
> attribute.  At the time of this writing, the XSD specification does
> not have a mechanism for specifying the default value of an attribute
> which contains a QName value.  To overcome this limitation, WSDL
> introduces the arrayType attribute (from namespace
> http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/) which has the semantic of providing
> the default value.  If XSD is revised to support this functionality,
> the revised mechanism SHOULD be used in favor of the arrayType
> attribute defined by WSDL.
> ** End of Excerpt **
> So does this mean even in DOCUMENT/LITERAL and WRAPPED/LITERAL kind of
> wsdl we should have for an array type (e.g: public Point[] myPoints;)
> a wsdl that reads as
> <complexType name="ArrayOfPoint">
>     <complexContent>
>          <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
>           <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType"
> wsdl:arrayType="impl:Point[]"/>
>          </restriction>
>     </complexContent>
> </complexType>
> Currently in axis we get a wsdl fragment that looks like
> <complexType name="ArrayOfPoint">
>     <sequence>
>      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item"
> type="impl:Point"/>
>     </sequence>
> </complexType>
> Which one is correct?
> Any insight into this issue will be very much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Jaya

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