
when testing my web service (Axis 1.2RC3) with MS SOAPToolkit 3.0 I
found that it's not working obviously due to this soapenc:string
encodings instead of xsd:string. I found some cries for help regarding
this interop issue in the web, but no solution as far as I could see.
Maybe you've seen this message from MSSoapInit too "SoapMapper for
element string could not be created".

I could try to hand over my own WSDL file (created with Sun's wscompile
from J2EE stuff) to the WSDD deploy step, but I guess Axis will not
accept it or so.

My Perl and Python clients work fine. Some .NET stuff too. But I need
this MS SOAPToolkit stuff (to use the Axis powered web service from VBA
in MS Office documents). I think it's a problem in the SOAPToolkit, not
in Axis, but the SOAPToolkit is there and will not be changed/supported
in the future ...

For boolean, Axis is using xsd:boolean. Is there a way to let Axis
create xsd:string elements?

Thanx a lot!

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