
This is more of a general question I am afraid. 
I would need to have access to some parts of my SOAP message in the
service implementation. More precise, I am sending some info to a WS A
in SOAP headers. This service A in turn makes a call to another WS B(
in doing so WS A is acting as a client/consumer). Now I would like to
include the information, which WS A received in the form of SOAP
headers, to the message that WS A sends to WS B.
I am aware of handlers being able to process messages, but is it
possible to get a hold of the message inside the WS implementation? I
am pretty sure that it is not possible with Axis. After all, the
implementation of the WS would only be working when used as a WS.
So if I am right and it is not possible, does anybody know of other
SOAP enabled application servers that allow you to do something like
Or any hints as to how I could alter the Axis code so that it migh be
possible (I know, that would be a mission and and half, anyway.)

Thanks in advance


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