Well, I think design, design, design is going to be your problem first rather than code, code, code.

What you're describing sounds like your application is a tunnel through which services pass so you can meter them. Kind of defeats the measurements, doesn't it?

Global Handler as switchboard . . .

Dan O'Neill wrote:
Ahhh... you see... I'm building a distributed system. Its part of a
much larger project and Im actually only building a prototype
application and doing some modelling.

The application however needs input from both the client and service.
This input is passed to my application service which then proceeses it
and uses it to build a model of both the client users and the services
that they use.
Its all to do with WebService reputation and which webservice to
choose for a particular job. I cant really say any more because its a
rather large college project that many people are working on.

The client you see then rates the webservice and so forth..... But you
see if I make a soap call while the handlers are set to global it will
start a never ending loop which eventually crashes everything from
client to server!

I hope that answers some of your questions.....


On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:00:57 -0900, Elaine Nance


Here are also simple questions, not particularly aimed at you:

Why would your service be responsible for what the subscriber
does to handle the responses?  If the interface is fully
specified by the wsdl then the client will be able to consume it.

What, specifically, are you doing that you need to concern
yourself with client-side handlers?

I'm not being a smartie here.  I see a lot of posts similar to
yours and I wonder why:

  1) the provider wants to be responsible for the subscriber -
frankly I'd love it if our enterprise IT even *thought* about
providing usable client code.  I will absolutely settle for a
wsdl which doesn't make me hand-code parsers for every
string-wrapped xml document.

  2) so many services don't seem to be designed as services -
it's as if the cart is driving the horse, as in "we already have
the application/interfaces/classes that we'd like to expose as a
web service" . . .

  3) SOAP is decided as the solution when the problem hasn't
been analyzed


Dan O'Neill wrote:

I'm tired trying to get them to work. Do Client-side service-specific
handlers work? If you put them in client-config.wsdd? I know that if I
change them to global they work?

I've got some working by using setClientHandlers() in the client code
but I don't always have the luxury of changing people's java client?

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. | -- Pablo Picasso -- <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-- <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. | -- Pablo Picasso -- <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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