Interesting. Thank you.

Question: I see the following in the FAQ:

"Stop AxisServlet listing services
To do this, set the Axis global configuration property axis.enableListQuery to false."

What is an Axis global configuration property? Is it a java system property (as in 'java -Daxis.enableListQuery=false ...') or is there some other configuration file/servlet/context parameter where this needs to be set and I am not aware of?

Thank you.


Sunil Kothari wrote:
Tim, I disagree. I think its possible....Here's the link
look under this heading Stop Autogenerating WSDL

I hope that helps.
Sunil Kothari
Valtech India
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim K. (Gmane)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:32 am
Subject: Re: How not to advertise WSDL?

I asked the same question a while back in this thread:

Apparently it is not possible. Maybe things have changed since then.


Steve Sobol wrote:

I just recently installed Axis and am impressed with it. JWS, in particular, is a great idea, and I expect it to be a big


during the early stages of web service development.

I'm planning on creating some services, however, that I don't

want to

advertise. Is there any way to prevent http://www.some.url/some.webservice?wsdl from spitting out the


there any way to prevent someone going to /some.webservice in a


from seeing "This is a web service"? And is there some way to


Axis from displaying the service's descriptor in the list of



I know I can achieve these goals by hacking the source code. :>

What I

need to know is if there is a way to accomplish any or all of


WITHOUT modifying the source.

Thanks in advance,

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