> Is Axis capable of using Datasets?


You could do it, but it would be painful and expensive. 

Your service ought not to use Datasets, if it is intended to be
interoperable with Java/AXIS, or any other non-.NET webservices stack.

This is a classic case of "implementation first" design on the .NET
service side, which breaks interoperability.  If the service implementor
(whoever) had followed the recommended practice and used the WSDL First
(tm) approach, then you'd be sipping tea right now, smiling at how easy
it all was to get things connected.  

Instead you're spelunking mailing lists looking for answers. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ralf Bust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:27 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Newbie Question / .NET SOAP Service / Dataset / any / WSDL2Java


i am currently developing a Client for an Airline Webservice.
So i have to connect to a .NET Webservice witch is using Microsoft

The WSDL2Java is generating me wrong Code.(My Opinion)

It seems that the generation of source code failes on:
  <s:any namespace="http://tempuri.org/RAAvailabilityRequestDS.xsd"/>

The Problem seems to be the type any witch referes to another xsd.

I do not get errors, but the code generated does not look usable for me.
A short test with a .Net Framework brings up complete different

Is Axis capable of using Datasets?

The WSDL can be found:

Thx for help


Ralf Bust

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