SOAP is just a formatting and data envelope standard. It can serialize
"anything" including exceptions.  But to receive serialized exceptions
on the client side, the webservice runtime must play a role - and
serialize any exceptions uncaught by the application, into SOAP
exceptions to be sent across the wire.  And likewise, the client-side
runtime must grab those exceptions, in order that the client-side app
can catch and handle them.  The AXIS runtime does this, on both sides,
so I do not think you need to grab exceptions at the application layer,
format them to strings, and return them. 

But the formatting-exceptions-as-strings thing is beside the original
point, which was...

You've clipped the thread history and I don't remember it now.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Hamza Hydri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: errors with WSDL2Java command

when I run this command at cmd prompt i get the sam error. let me
explain the scenario further ...

the ExampleService class is having two methods ... the methods are
having a return type as ExecResult bcoz I want to run these methods on
remote locations ... and if these methods cause any exceptions I want to
catch them on my host location ..I am doing this as I guess SOAP cannot
transfer exceptions on wire .. so I am converting the exceptions
generated into strings and returning them to the host machine.

I guess there is some error in my definition tag of the wsdl file ....
do I have to define the ExecResult as any return type ? .. seriously
confused with this thing ... anybody out there with suggestions or hints

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