These soap messages are both correct.  The Axis version uses an extraneous 
namespace prefix declaration for xmlns:tns1 (extraneous because tns1 is 
unused in the message).  In both cases, in0 is specified to be in the 
default namespace (the namespace corresponding to the null prefix), which is 
specified by xmlns="..." in the containing element.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "babloosony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 2:54 AM
Subject: No namespace for elements in soap message from .NET

| Hi All,
| Can anyone please tell me why .NET does not include any namespace for
| 'in0' in below soap message. Is there anything else I can do in my
| WSDL posted here so that .NET includes namespace for the element
| 'in0'. Please suggest ...
| SOAP Message from AXIS 1.2 RC2
| -------------------------------------------------------
| <soapenv:Envelope
| xmlns:soapenv="";
| xmlns:xsd="";
| xmlns:xsi="";>
|   <soapenv:Body>
|      <getDummyBean xmlns="http://DefaultNamespace";>
|         <in0 xmlns:tns1="http://DefaultNamespace";>
|            <ns1:i xmlns:ns1="";>9999</ns1:i>
|            <ns2:st xmlns:ns2="";>BLAH
| BLAH</ns2:st>
|         </in0>
|      </getDummyBean>
|   </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
| SOAP Message from .NET Framework 1.1
| --------------------------------------------------------------
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
|   <soap:Envelope
| xmlns:soap="";
| xmlns:xsi="";
| xmlns:xsd="";>
|      <soap:Body>
|         <getDummyBean xmlns="http://DefaultNamespace";>
|            <in0>
|               <i xmlns="";>0</i>
|               <st xmlns="";>stray</st>
|            </in0>
|         </getDummyBean>
|      </soap:Body>
|   </soap:Envelope
| -----------
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <wsdl:definitions
| targetNamespace="http://localhost:8090/axis/services/TypesService";
| xmlns:apachesoap="";
| xmlns:impl="http://localhost:8090/axis/services/TypesService";
| xmlns:intf="http://localhost:8090/axis/services/TypesService";
| xmlns:tns1="http://DefaultNamespace";
| xmlns:tns2="";
| xmlns:wsdl="";
| xmlns:wsdlsoap="";
| xmlns:xsd="";>
| <wsdl:types>
|  <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
| targetNamespace="http://DefaultNamespace";
| xmlns="";>
|   <import namespace=""/>
|   <element name="getDummyBean">
|    <complexType>
|     <sequence>
|      <element name="in0" type="tns2:InputBean"/>
|     </sequence>
|    </complexType>
|   </element>
|   <element name="getDummyBeanResponse">
|    <complexType>
|     <sequence>
|      <element name="getDummyBeanReturn" type="tns2:DummyBean"/>
|     </sequence>
|    </complexType>
|   </element>
|  </schema>
|  <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
| targetNamespace="";
| xmlns="";>
|   <complexType name="InputBean">
|    <sequence>
|     <element name="i" type="xsd:int"/>
|     <element name="st" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
|    </sequence>
|   </complexType>
|   <complexType name="DummyBean">
|    <sequence>
|     <element name="i" type="xsd:int"/>
|     <element name="st" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
|    </sequence>
|   </complexType>
|  </schema>
| </wsdl:types>
|   <wsdl:message name="getDummyBeanResponse">
|      <wsdl:part element="tns1:getDummyBeanResponse" name="parameters"/>
|   </wsdl:message>
|   <wsdl:message name="getDummyBeanRequest">
|      <wsdl:part element="tns1:getDummyBean" name="parameters"/>
|   </wsdl:message>
|   <wsdl:portType name="Types">
|      <wsdl:operation name="getDummyBean">
|         <wsdl:input message="impl:getDummyBeanRequest"
| name="getDummyBeanRequest"/>
|         <wsdl:output message="impl:getDummyBeanResponse"
| name="getDummyBeanResponse"/>
|      </wsdl:operation>
|   </wsdl:portType>
|   <wsdl:binding name="TypesServiceSoapBinding" type="impl:Types">
|      <wsdlsoap:binding style="document"
| transport=""/>
|      <wsdl:operation name="getDummyBean">
|         <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
|         <wsdl:input name="getDummyBeanRequest">
|            <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
|         </wsdl:input>
|         <wsdl:output name="getDummyBeanResponse">
|            <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
|         </wsdl:output>
|      </wsdl:operation>
|   </wsdl:binding>
|   <wsdl:service name="TypesService">
|      <wsdl:port binding="impl:TypesServiceSoapBinding" 
|         <wsdlsoap:address
| location="http://localhost:9999/axis/services/TypesService"/>
|      </wsdl:port>
|   </wsdl:service>
| </wsdl:definitions>
| Thanks & Regards,
| Kumar.

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