The scenario is this:  I use axis as ws client to call a server which
takes the data from a search request and forwards it without
modification to a legacy system. This legacy system requires the
characters recieved in search queries to be latin1, not UTF8.

With the tcp-dump of what is actually transmitted on the wire I see that
it is indeed UTF8, where the letter ø (ø) is transmitted as two

The best solution is of course to have the server handle encoding in a
better way. But unfortunately I cannot do this, so I will have to post
iso8859 in stead.


Venkat Reddy wrote:

>Do you have a test case that demostrates the issue?
>On 4/18/05, Kim Thrysøe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Is it possible to configure Axis to post requests using a charset other
>>that UTF8, eg. iso8859_1?
>>This question has been posted a while ago
>>(, but I
>>failed to find a response.

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