Title: Message
Hi all,
I'm having a problem with namespace prefixes in 1.1.  My schema has a sequence of 0..n customer accounts.  Say the accounts belong to ns1.  Each account has an account key, belonging to a different namespace, ns2.  Each account key has 3 mandatory and 2 optional children.  I'm only populating the mandatory children.  The first mandatory child is a ref from a 3rd namespace, ns3.  The next 2 mandatory children are part of the account key's namespace.  When Axis sends a response to a client, the array gets serialized like this:
<ns1:clientAccount xmlns:ns1="...">
  <ns2:accountKey xmlns:ns2="...">
    <ns3:child1 xmlns=ns3="...">...</ns3:child1>
<ns4:clientAccount xmlns:ns4="...">
  <ns5:accountKey xmlns:ns5="...">
    <ns6:child1 xmlns=ns6="...">...</ns6:child1>
The problem is that child2 and child3 in the first clientAccount need namespace prefixes but don't have them.  There is a default namespace output by Axis but those children are not in it.  Oddly, subsequent accountKeys in the array are fine.  At the risk of confusing things further, when we output the content of our response using SerializationContextImpl(writer, msgCtx).serialize(), things are fine.  Using the debugger, I can see that Axis and our code are calling that method with the same params.  Dunno about the constructor yet.
I'm SLOWLY working through this with the debugger but would appreciate some hints.
John Gregg
Application Systems Engineer
Wells Fargo Private Client Services Technology

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