TCPMonitor listens for connections at the specified port on the machine on which it is running. This port is any free port you know of or guess at, e.g. 9999 is unlikely to be in use. The client-side software must be configured to use the TCPMonitor by replacing the target host name and port (which could just be the default port 80). Here's what to do, assuming that TCPMonitor will be running on the same computer as the client software (if it isn't then change that appears below for the host name or IP address of the machine running TCPMonitor):
    - Pick a port number for TCPMonitor to listen on, let's suppose it's 9999.
    - Make a note of the target host name (or IP address) plus the port number of the target web service.
        E.g. for  http://services.xmethods.net/soap/servlet/rpcrouter  the host name is services.xmethods.net and the port number is 80.
        E.g. for  the IP address is and the port number is 8080.
    - Now change the target web service URL in the client-side code to point to TCPMonitor.
    - Recompile the client-side code.
    - Start TCPMonitor and enter the Listen Port # as 9999. Enter the appropriate Target Hostname and the Target Port # as noted in the second step
        E.g. for  http://services.xmethods.net/soap/servlet/rpcrouter  Target Hostname is  services.xmethods.net  and the Target Port # is  80
        E.g. for  Target Hostname is  and the Target Port # is  8080
    - After entering the correct data, start TCPMonitor listening by clicking the Add button.
    - Run the client software and watch TCPMonitor for activity.
----- Original Message -----
From: James Chiu
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:06 PM
Subject: TCP Monitor



I like to use tcpmon to see outgoing messages and incoming messages of my java WS client. The server side is hosted by Microsoft IIS.

I am not sure the exact arguments (listenPort targetHost targetPort) in this case.

What is the listen port?

I assume the targetHost is the machine of the server side.

I think the targetPort is 80 by default in IIS.


Thanks for your help,



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