OK... so if no-one knows here, can anyone suggest anywhere that I could get
help with this problem?



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Harris 
>Sent: 26 April 2005 15:44
>To: 'axis-user@ws.apache.org'
>Subject: SAXException: No deserializer
>I'm writing a web service which includes a SOAP interface on an Orion
>server. This interface has 2 calls, both read-only. They both return an
>instance of the same object, a custom Java class. One of the instance
>variables in this class is a java.util.List.
>It all works well if I just add Strings to the java.util.List 
>- the data
>gets returned correctly. However, problems arise if I add 
>objects to the
>List whose type is of a 2nd custom class I've created, rather 
>than Strings.
>When I try and get data out, I get errors of the type "No 
>deserializer for
>{urn:MyUrn}MyClass", where MyClass is the name of the 2nd 
>custom class I've
>Both custom classes implement java.io.Serializable and I've added a
>reference to MyClass in the server-config.wsdd file but am 
>unsure as to how
>to progress further with this error.

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