I assume you mean webMethods Glue?
You have to ask webMethods for pricing.

I have to warn you -- webMethods isn't particularly interested in
selling you a single developer license. At a minimum, they will sell
you a Glue server runtime license, but they want to sell you all of

You can download an evaluation version of Glue v5 for free. See
http://www.webmethods.com/meta/default/folder/0000007014. It's
unsupported, although there's a discussion list available and decent

If you're looking for things like WS-Security, WS-I compliance, and
JAX-RPC/SAAJ support, then you'll need to purchase Glue v6. (contact
webMethods for pricing)


On 5/3/05, Jan Agermose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi 
> I'm taking up my interest for Axis/Glue/XX – doing WebService development in
> Java, that is. I know this is a Axis forum, but I was looking at Clue – does
> any one know what the price-tag on Clue is – 1 developer – approx.? 
> Best regards 
> Jan 

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