I'm setting up a web using Axis 1.2 RC3 using castor for
(De)serialization as described in
as I want to use the castor XML validation.
When I run the example supplied I get the following I get the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <getStockQuoteResponse xmlns="http://comindico.com.au/sqtest";>
            <quote xsi:type="quote">
I am relatively new to Web Service and Axis but my understanding is that
this is a wrapped service 
and that the xsi:type coded in the <quote> element should not be there
as the WSDL specifies literal.
When I use the Axis Bean (De)serialization this is not present.
Can anyone tell me 
1. If this is correct/incorrect behaviour
2. If this will cause any interop issues
3. If there is a fix or work around for this

I've had a browse in the lists but can't find anything on this.

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